What are You Waiting For

No matter how much envisioning, planning, organizing, analyzing we do, nothing will change until we take action! It sounds simple enough and we all know it to be true, so what holds us back from doing it? For many of us, the reason we don’t take action has to do with the fear of failure. […]

How to Make a Decision

Generally speaking, a good rule of thumb when it comes to decision making is the smaller the decision, the less time we should spend on making a decision and the bigger the decision, the more time we should spend on making a decision. So, the amount of time we spend on making a decision should […]

It’s All About Decisions

Whether we like it or not making decisions is something all of us have to do on a daily basis, multiple times a day. We are constantly making decisions and most of the time we probably don’t even put much thought into it. Decision making happens on a few different levels. There are small level […]

How to Get a Return on You!

Have you ever thought of yourself as a business or even as being in business for yourself? For those of us who may be self-employed, this thought probably makes more sense, but most of us who are employed by someone else, we may have a difficult time realizing the concept. When we’re employed by someone […]

This Can Make All the Difference

Our attitude is the most vital factor in determining our success, our relationships, our enjoyment of virtually everything about our life…including, (Yup! You guessed it) even our finances. The great news is that we get to select our very own attitude. Regardless of our current conditions, situations or our previous failures, we can choose to […]