Envy Kills Inspiration

Being jealous or envious over the success of others or worse yet, perceived success is pointless. It’s a negative emotion you have to overcome if you ever want to achieve it yourself. Overcoming jealousy or envy is not an easy task, but it can be done if you truly want to change your situation. Envy […]

What Gets You Motivated?

Getting the motivation to start working toward your goals isn’t something that mysteriously builds up inside of you until you all of a sudden take action! Despite what many people might think, it doesn’t take motivation to take action, it’s actually the other way around! Motivation comes from taking action and once you’re motivated by […]

It’s Your Choice

Choices…you face them in so many different areas of your life and your attitude is one of them. You can actually choose to have a good attitude or a bad attitude. Sounds simple, right? Well, as simple as that sounds, you know that it’s not always that easy to choose the right attitude in every […]