Over Thinking the Details

To accomplish anything, you need to take action and before taking action there is a thought process that is required…to a point! There’s this thing called Paralysis of Analysis or Evaluation Paralysis. It’s where you can’t take any actions because of over thinking the details or over preparation and it’s one of the most notorious […]

The Benefits of Controlling Your Money

Understanding and analyzing your financial decisions allows you to realize how those decisions are interconnected and the impact one decision can have on other financial decisions. Just like any other type of decision, each decision you make results in the experiences you have which lead you to make other decisions. Your financial situation is no […]

Changing Your Outlook

To stop negative thinking can be difficult because of how your mind has become hardwired to think and respond in this way. Without realizing it, you end up filtering whatever you see and hear through this grid of negativity. To think and respond negatively is like a warm blanket, safe and familiar. It actually gives […]

The Need to Get Clear

An important distinction to understand is that needs and wants aren’t the same. As you read that sentence, you’re probably saying to yourself…everyone knows that, right!? And while you might know this intellectually, there is a good chance that you’re not being completely honest with yourself regarding the things that you buy, because you have […]

Your Comfort Level

There are so many different investment strategies out there that choosing the right one really comes down to deciding which type would fit you best. Whichever strategy……or strategies you decide to utilize, will depend on your comfort level of risk and effort (how hands on you care to be). The differences vary from high risk […]

Safety Net

Having some extra money set aside for those unexpected expenses is the only way to get out of debt, stay out of debt and above all, build wealth. Too many people today don’t even have a savings account let alone an emergency fund account. Saving should be one of the first things you do with […]

Decision Making

Whether we like it or not making decisions is something all of us have to do on a daily basis, multiple times a day. We are constantly making decisions and most of the time we probably don’t even put much thought into it. Decision making happens on a few different levels. There are small level […]