Rainy Days

Whether or not you’ve ever given it much thought, the phrase paying yourself first is probably something you’ve heard at some point. The principle of paying yourself first means exactly what it implies…which is to pay yourself first, and your emergency fund is the first place to start. Having an emergency fund is the foundation […]

Safety Net

Having some extra money set aside for those unexpected expenses is the only way to get out of debt, stay out of debt and above all, build wealth. Too many people today don’t even have a savings account let alone an emergency fund account. Saving should be one of the first things you do with […]

Good Money Habits

Staying on the right track with how we handle our money is important to our financial health. Our motivation to improve our finances is what gets us started on the right track, but it’s our habits…good money habits, that will keep us there. As we know, habits can be good or bad and depending on […]

Save to Invest

We set up our budget, we find ways and areas to reduce our expenses, we get our spending under control, we live below our means, we find ways to increase our income, we get our debt snowball rolling, we learn to pay ourselves first to save for our emergency fund and of course…..save to invest! […]