Happiness Is a Mindset

Can money really buy happiness? Maybe money can allow you to buy moments of happiness, but not happiness itself. There’s a misconception that money can buy happiness, but here’s the thing, you can’t put a price on happiness because happiness is not tangible. Happiness is a mindset, an attitude that you develop through the way […]

Envy Kills Inspiration

Being jealous or envious over the success of others or worse yet, perceived success is pointless. It’s a negative emotion you have to overcome if you ever want to achieve it yourself. Overcoming jealousy or envy is not an easy task, but it can be done if you truly want to change your situation. Envy […]

You Must DO

When you think about your plans and dream of your future, no matter how much envisioning, planning, organizing or analyzing you do, nothing can happen without action! Action is the catalyst for all of your desires. Taking action is the one most important thing that separates the highly successful people from everyone else. The amount […]

Know Your Own Self Worth

Confidence is a quality, seen by others, as being anywhere from admirable to intimidating. Where you fall into that spectrum is partially due to your own level of confidence. What is confidence? Does having confidence mean that you have specific knowledge, necessary skills or certain abilities? Although some or all of those qualities may help, […]