Things You Know You’re Good At

Find your strengths to find success. Surveys, self assessments, gathering feedback from people who know you well are some ways to figure out your strengths. After the surveys, self assessments and feedback are done, nothing can happen without action. Unless you take the necessary action once you find your strengths, no amount of knowledge will […]

The Master of Your Fate

Did you know that your thoughts become things? There are a lot of people who are already conscious of that fact, while others will look at you like you have three heads whenever you ask them this question. There’s probably a pretty good chance that you might be one of those skeptics and I can […]

Taking a Positive Approach

Change can be a great teacher if you learn to embrace it. It’s about learning to accept the change, looking at it from a different perspective and then adjusting your attitude. By going through changes, you embark on a brand-new chapter of growth and realization in your life. The Universe has a way of telling […]

Sustained Focus

To be successful in anything, including managing your finances, you need to repeatedly practice good habits. In order to repeatedly practice good habits, you have to first realize the importance of self-discipline. Forming good habits through self-discipline is more specifically about being able to control your impulses, behavior and even your emotions. It’s the ability […]

Understand Your Emotions

Out of the five parts that make up emotional intelligence, Self-Consciousness is the first part. It’s the capability to know which emotions you’re feeling and why. Whenever you understand your emotions, it’s easier for you to recognize and control your feelings and prevent your emotions from ruling you. Additionally you become more confident as you […]

Recognize Your Emotional State

When it comes to success and happiness in life, emotional intelligence makes it possible to reach your career and personal goals, succeed in work, and build relationships. People who are emotionally intelligent are able to recognize the emotional state of others as well as their own state to create a connection and form relationships. For […]

Academic Intelligence Isn’t Enough

When you’re in a world that puts academic intelligence in such high regard, it tends to under estimate the power and success that comes from having emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to identify, comprehend, and manage your own feelings and the feelings of individuals in manners that are positive. You may think that […]