The Way to Embrace Change

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou No matter where you go, no matter what you do, change is constant and it’s all around you. Some changes are small, and you can just roll with them, while bigger […]

How Do You Build Confidence

Even though we don’t necessarily need specific knowledge, skills or abilities to have confidence, those things will be very beneficial for building upon our confidence so that we can take our lives to the next level. Now, before we can start to build our confidence, the most important thing we will need is to have […]

How to Make a Decision

Generally speaking, a good rule of thumb when it comes to decision making is the smaller the decision, the less time we should spend on making a decision and the bigger the decision, the more time we should spend on making a decision. So, the amount of time we spend on making a decision should […]

It Comes Down to Belief

At many points in our lives we’ve all experienced and have expressed our doubts about things. Of all the many different things we’ve doubted, the one most important thing that may be holding us back from achieving success is that we doubt ourselves. We doubt our own abilities to bounce back from setbacks and failures, […]

Should You be Afraid to Fail

The fear of failing is among the biggest fears people have. One of the major differences between successful and unsuccessful men and women is that successful men and women conquer their fear of failure. They know that they need to make a few mistakes in order to move toward their objective. They know that failure […]

How Can Failure be Good

Whenever we hear the F word…okay not that F word, another one…Failure, we always relate it to negative, pessimistic ideas, but why is failure perceived to be bad? Besides the obvious fact that failing doesn’t feel particularly good, we tend to have a fear of failure. The truth is, failure offers us a chance to […]