Budgeting for Financial Success

“The simplest definition of a budget is telling your money where to go.” – Tsh Oxenreider Getting on the right path financially usually starts with setting yourself up on a budget. Since budgeting is known to be essential for your financial health, many people have either created or attempted to create an effective budget at […]

Doing Good by Saving to Give

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” – Lao Tzu There are many different facets to saving money. Aside from saving to pay yourself first and saving to invest, there is also another key area of savings which is saving to give! Saving to give can be […]

Should You Save to Invest

“Investing puts money to work. The only reason to save money is to invest it.” – Grant Cardone When you set up your budget, you find ways and areas to reduce your expenses. You get your spending under control, you live below your means, you find ways to increase your income, you get your debt […]

The Truth About Overspending

“Stop buying things you don’t need to impress people you don’t even like.” – Suze Orman One of the biggest financial traps you can easily find yourself in is the trap of keeping up with the Jones’. By trying to keep up with the perceived lifestyle of others, you’ll undoubtedly end up overspending. Living below […]

Reducing and Eliminating Debt

“There are no shortcuts when it comes to getting out of debt.” –  Dave Ramsey As a consumer, you have to spend your money on the things that you need, right? And (let’s face it) you enjoy spending money on the things that you want. While there’s nothing wrong with that, the problem comes when […]