What are Your Money Habits Like?

One of the most basic, fundamental things we can do is to conserve money. By consistently following a few money saving tips we’ll see a radical rise in the amount of cash we save, which can be used toward paying down debt, saving for emergency funds, saving for that vacation or for investing, depending on […]

Stop Going into Debt

Not only are there small, unsuspecting ways we get ourselves into trouble with debt that slowly and incrementally build up until we eventually find ourselves in over our head. But then we have the big dollar purchases that we have to become aware of also. Such as, that brand new motorcycle, snowmobile, boat or jet-ski […]

Stop Accumulating Debt!

Reducing and eliminating debt is no easy task, but it’s essential to your financial and even emotional and physical and health. There is nothing better than seeing debt get removed from your balance sheet. No more worrying about that debt, no more bills or calls from lenders and creditors…it’ll just be gone! Just remember, once […]

How Much Money Should You Save?

A lot of people have a hard time understanding the phrase “pay yourself first”, let alone applying the concept. I’ll admit, even I struggled with it when I first heard it. Let’s face it, after paying the rent/mortgage, utilities, car payment, insurance, credit cards, etc., more often than not, there is never anything left over […]