Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

Our attitude is the most vital factor in determining our success, our relationships, our enjoyment of virtually everything about our life…including, (Yup! You guessed it) even our finances. The great news is that we get to select our very own attitude. Regardless of our current conditions, situations or our previous failures, we can choose to […]

Good Money Habits

Staying on the right track with how we handle our money is important to our financial health. Our motivation to improve our finances is what gets us started on the right track, but it’s our habits…good money habits, that will keep us there. As we know, habits can be good or bad and depending on […]

Start Saving Early and Often

It’s never too soon to start saving for retirement! Unfortunately, it’s all too common that retirement savings are not made a priority by most young adults. The hesitation to start saving at a comparatively early age for retirement is understandable, given that as young adults we see so many working years ahead of us with […]

Avoid Unnecessary Debt

If our bills are greater than our income, it’s safe to say…we’re in trouble! It’s when we find ourselves in situations like this that we’ll only keep adding to our debt whenever we spend more money than we make. The first thing we need to do is we need to get our spending under control. […]

Increase Your Income

For most of us, caring for our finances is not an easy task! Easy availability of credit, high interest rates and a lack of understanding basic financial principals causing us to fall into bad money habits, which end up leaving the majority of us living deep in debt and way beyond our means. To better […]

Living Below Your Means

Living below our means is the basis of financial freedom. Once we learn to live below our means, we can stop getting into debt, begin paying off any debt we currently have and start putting money aside for saving and investing. If we’re living above our means it is going to mean more stress, more […]