How is Your Confidence

What is confidence? Does having confidence mean that we have specific knowledge, necessary skills or certain abilities? Although some or all of those qualities may help, they are not necessary for us to have confidence. Despite what some of us may believe, it is possible to have confidence in ourselves even though we may not […]

Why You Need a Plan

Planning is something that varies with people. Some people have to plan everything out before taking any action and some people like to just “wing it” and not plan at all. In order to get anywhere, we need to have a plan on how to get there otherwise we could just end up going in […]

The Nasty “B” Word!

To help create a spending budget that’s not just sensible, but also effective, we need to start by calculating our income. Once we’ve calculated our income, then we can list our expenses by first making a list of our fixed expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, automobile payments, insurance premiums, etc. After that, we […]

Appreciating What You Have

It’s sometimes hard not to compare what you have or don’t have with what you see around you. Life has a way of bombarding you with elaborate lifestyles and luxuries of the rich and famous and even not so famous people. From celebrities and professional athletes to founders and CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies to […]