Happiness Is a Mindset

Can money really buy happiness? Maybe money can allow you to buy moments of happiness, but not happiness itself. There’s a misconception that money can buy happiness, but here’s the thing, you can’t put a price on happiness because happiness is not tangible. Happiness is a mindset, an attitude that you develop through the way […]

The Ability to Keep Trying

Success is on the other side of failure! Don’t give up just because it doesn’t come easily. The ability to keep trying when things seem impossible, to push past your comfort zone, to not give up when it gets difficult, almost always leads to success. The great thing about the idea of not giving up […]

Things You Know You’re Good At

Find your strengths to find success. Surveys, self assessments, gathering feedback from people who know you well are some ways to figure out your strengths. After the surveys, self assessments and feedback are done, nothing can happen without action. Unless you take the necessary action once you find your strengths, no amount of knowledge will […]

You Want It Done NOW!

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of seeing the success of other people and wondering why you’re not there yet. Much of that comes down to patience. Patience is a virtue. Who hasn’t heard those words before? Those words are deeply rooted in many of our minds, but the behavior, the true practice […]

Small Steps of Improvement

If you want to have success in reaching your goals, whatever those goals are, you need to be consistent. Being consistent in the things you do has many great advantages and people who consciously practice being consistent, know it! So, if you’re serious about change in any area of your life, you need to be […]