Have a Vision

In order to strive for success, you need to first have an idea of what you want that success to look like. A good part of setting yourself up for financial freedom comes from being able to leave the past behind you, look past today and envision the future that you want. For a lot […]

Freeing Up Your Future Time

Financial freedom comes from being free from having to work for money and instead having your money work for you. By investing your money in a business, real estate or dividend paying securities you’re freeing up your future time. But money isn’t the only thing you can invest to escape the trap of trading your […]

The Right Track

What most people don’t realize about preparing and sticking to a financial budget is that it’s not only a tool for managing your money. It also instills good money habits. The thing is that those money habits don’t just stop at saving and spending, good money habits also play a role when it comes to […]

You Want It Now

In this new age of rapid information, rapid implementation and rapid results, the virtue of patience took a back seat. In fact, the idea of waiting for things is almost inconceivable for a lot of people, most especially when it comes to your financial future. After all, you know what you want, and you want […]

Choices and Decisions

As you take a close, hard and honest look at the things that you consider to be needs and wants, the choices and decisions may not, and in some cases, will not be easy. Those tough decisions will take having the right attitude, discipline and self control. It’s going to take an adjustment of how […]

The Magic of Compounding

Being responsible with your money at a young age has its advantages. One of the main reasons why young adults should start saving and investing as early as possible would be to reap the rewards of what would be sometimes known as the magic of compounding. Compounding is when you earn returns on past investment […]

Put Money Aside

Once you realize you’re in a debt spiral, you need to figure out how and where you’re spending your money and what adjustments can be made to stop the madness. This is where you need to be creative and/or make some tough choices (or sacrifices), whether you like it or not. For example, bring coffee […]

Money Makes Money

Staying focused on the health of your financial future with discipline and patience will eventually allow you to have the financial means to not be in need of anything, including the means to get the things you want! By taking care of what you need, which includes paying off debt and not accumulating more, along […]