Money and Values

Did you ever stop to think about where you get your ideas of what money means to you? What money is to you? And what does it do for you? We all have a complex relationship when it comes to money. How you acquire, spend and manage money is largely due to two factors: the […]

Don’t Give Up

Having the ability to keep trying when things seem impossible, to push past our comfort zone, to not give up when it gets difficult, almost always leads to success. The great thing about the idea of not giving up is just that…it’s an idea! It requires no higher education, no monetary investment and no formal […]

Have a Plan

Planning is something that varies with people. Some people have to plan everything out before taking any action and some people like to just “wing it” and not plan at all. In order to get anywhere, we need to have a plan on how to get there otherwise we could just end up going in […]

Fear of Failure

Whenever we hear the F word…okay not that F word, another one…Failure, we always relate it to negative, pessimistic ideas, but why is failure perceived to be bad? Besides the obvious fact that failing doesn’t feel particularly good, we tend to have a fear of failure. The truth is, failure offers us a chance to […]

Having Patience

Patience is a virtue. Who hasn’t heard those words before? Those words are deeply rooted in many of our minds, but the behavior, the true practice of patience is just another personality trait which has fallen by the wayside. Our hurried, over-scheduled way of life where everything has to happen instantly is taking its toll […]