Every Little Bit Helps!

Increasing our income doesn’t have to be a significant increase. We don’t need to get too caught up in how much we’re able to increase our income at this point, but more about using that extra income toward paying off debt or putting it toward savings or investing goals. There are so many different ways […]

How to Eliminate Your Debt

Consumer debt is a killer when it comes to savings goals and overall financial well being! Whether we’re saving for emergency funds or investing funds or whatever fund we’re trying to set goals for, consumer debt will hold us down and must be greatly reduced if not completely eliminated in order to achieve financial freedom. […]

The Value of Your Time

Did you ever stop to think that no matter how much money you’re paid your income is limited by the number of hours you can work? We all have the same 24 hours in a day and there is only so much of your time that you can dedicate to working for pay. That’s why […]

Money That is Made Passively

I’m sure you’ve heard the term passive income before and you might have even asked yourself, what is passive income exactly? Well….passive income is simply money that is made passively! And what does that mean?! Basically it means that it’s money earned by doing the least amount of work with the most minimum amount of […]

What is Good Debt?

There really are two sides to debt. In general debt is typically bad, but on the flip side, there is good debt. What is good debt? Good debt is money you borrow to pay for something that will increase in value and/or will pay you back after you make the purchase. An example of debt […]

Creating an Effective Budget

To help create a spending budget that’s not just sensible, but also effective, you need to start by calculating your income. Once you’ve calculated your income, then you can list your expenses by first making a list of your fixed expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, automobile payments, insurance premiums, etc. After that, you […]

Creating Additional Sources of Income

Having multiple sources of income is not only for people who are looking to build wealth, but it’s a general principle for financial freedom. People that are wealthy have multiple income streams, meaning they earn money by creating additional sources of income. In fact, the average millionaire is known to have 7 different income streams. […]