A Simple Course of Action

If you have your sites set on reaching financial well-being, setting financial goals will be the way to get you there. For setting financial goals, selecting a simple course of action that you could follow will guide you to financial success. First, you need to identify and write down your goals which will help you […]

Think Positively

A sure way to get out of a negative rut in life is to find a way to have positive thoughts. The road to developing a positive mental attitude frequently requires a network of supporters by having a person or people that you allow to hold you accountable for catching you when you sound negative. […]

Your Comfort Level

There are so many different investment strategies out there that choosing the right one really comes down to deciding which type would fit you best. Whichever strategy……or strategies you decide to utilize, will depend on your comfort level of risk and effort (how hands on you care to be). The differences vary from high risk […]

Don’t Be Fooled

When we see successful people and are in awe of their success, we have a tendency to think, how lucky they are, how talented they are, how gifted they are or whatever simple explanation for their success we can come up with and although some of those things may be a contributing factor to the […]

Have Confidence

What is confidence? Does having confidence mean that we have specific knowledge, necessary skills or certain abilities? Although some or all of those qualities may help, they are not necessary for us to have confidence. Despite what some of us may believe, it is possible to have confidence in ourselves even though we may not […]

Find Your Strengths

When it comes to striving to achieve success in anything we do, working on our weaknesses is not enough. Not only is it not enough, it’s actually a hindrance to reaching our true fullest potential. Focusing and working to improve our weaknesses is a hindrance in the sense that it takes our time and focus […]

Fear of Failure

Whenever we hear the F word…okay not that F word, another one…Failure, we always relate it to negative, pessimistic ideas, but why is failure perceived to be bad? Besides the obvious fact that failing doesn’t feel particularly good, we tend to have a fear of failure. The truth is, failure offers us a chance to […]

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to identify, comprehend, and manage our own feelings and the feelings of individuals in manners that are positive. We may think that being book smart and having a high intelligence quotient or IQ will guarantee a happy, successful and fulfilled life. If we look around, there is an assortment of […]

Invest In Yourself

Going through the day-to-day routines of life, our children, our significant other, our job, and even our dog always seem to come first. But it’s important to remember our well-being, our inner and outer self is just as important and should be our priority, in order that we could be the very best version of […]