Good Debt and Bad Debt

For many of us today, debt is just a fact of life. It’s how we pay for just about everything from the homes we live in, to the cars we drive and even down to the small, day to day purchases like food, gas, that daily cup of coffee (or 3), etc. No matter how […]

Multiple Income Streams

People that are wealthy have multiple income streams, meaning they earn money by creating additional sources of income. In fact, the average millionaire is known to have 7 different income streams. Aside from making more money, the reason for having more than one source of income is to reduce the impact to our cash flow […]

R.O.Y. – Return On You

When we think about investing in assets and getting a return on those assets, I believe few of us think of ourselves in that way. I’m not referring to investing in yourself, which is meant by investing in the various ways of improving ourselves mentally, physically or otherwise, that’s a subject for another day. What […]

Setting Financial Goals

Goal setting is tough enough without adding the word finance into the mix. Many of us are often hesitant to tackle the job of setting financial goals, especially when it comes to the long-term goals that set us up for our financial future. It’s not fun, it’s not sexy…heck! It’s actually pretty boring, right?! Even […]

Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

Our attitude is the most vital factor in determining our success, our relationships, our enjoyment of virtually everything about our life…including, (Yup! You guessed it) even our finances. The great news is that we get to select our very own attitude. Regardless of our current conditions, situations or our previous failures, we can choose to […]

Save to Invest

We set up our budget, we find ways and areas to reduce our expenses, we get our spending under control, we live below our means, we find ways to increase our income, we get our debt snowball rolling, we learn to pay ourselves first to save for our emergency fund and of course… to invest! […]