Envision the Future

A good part of setting ourselves up for financial freedom comes from being able to leave the past behind us, look past today and envision the future that we want. For a lot of people, visualization comes naturally, but for others, engaging in visual creative thinking is tough. How can we set goals for ourselves […]

Embrace Change

We all have moments where we experience change in many areas of our lives…where we live, our beliefs, our careers, our health, our friendships and the list goes on. We sometimes choose to make those changes willingly and sometimes they are forced upon us from the outside. In either case, it can be a struggle […]

Trading Time for Money

A lot of us have been sold the idea that we need to go to school, attend college, get a 9-5 job that we end up working for years until we can (hopefully) save enough money to retire, leaving us to do what we enjoy when we’re old. Who the heck wants to live like […]

An Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. Consider how simple it is for life to fly by…getting caught up in the rat race, being stuck in our daily routines sprinkled with a vacation or two if we’re lucky enough and all for the sake of just getting through another day. After a while it can get […]

Stick To A Budget

Many of us have either created or attempted to create an effective budget at some point. For those of us who have, budgeting or “good money management” is probably one of the most difficult things we face in dealing with our finances. What we need to realize is that successful budgeting is key to good […]

Living Below Your Means

Living below our means is the basis of financial freedom. Once we learn to live below our means, we can stop getting into debt, begin paying off any debt we currently have and start putting money aside for saving and investing. If we’re living above our means it is going to mean more stress, more […]

Pay Off Debt

Consumer debt is a killer when it comes to savings goals and overall financial well being! Whether we’re saving for emergency funds or investing funds or whatever fund we’re trying to set goals for, consumer debt will hold us down and must be greatly reduced if not completely eliminated in order to achieve financial freedom. […]