Money and Budgeting

One of the most basic, fundamental things you can do to improve your financial situation is to conserve money. By consistently following some money saving tips you’ll start to see a considerable increase in the amount of cash you save. That savings can be used toward paying down debt, saving for emergency funds, saving for […]

Choices and Decisions

As you take a close, hard and honest look at the things that you consider to be needs and wants, the choices and decisions may not, and in some cases, will not be easy. Those tough decisions will take having the right attitude, discipline and self control. It’s going to take an adjustment of how […]

The Need to Get Clear

An important distinction to understand is that needs and wants aren’t the same. As you read that sentence, you’re probably saying to yourself…everyone knows that, right!? And while you might know this intellectually, there is a good chance that you’re not being completely honest with yourself regarding the things that you buy, because you have […]

Living Paycheck to Paycheck

A fundamentally crucial part of the journey to financial well being is the principal of spending less than you earn. And although there is no single road to financial well being, that one principal is what sets you up to not only begin creating your wealth, but to also keep what wealth you attain along […]

Big Dollar Purchases

Not only do you have those small, unsuspecting ways you get yourself into trouble with debt that slowly and incrementally build up until you eventually find yourself in over your head. But then there’s those big dollar purchases that you need to become aware of also. Those are the ones that should be more avoidable, […]

The Urge To Spend

Let’s face it! Every time you get some extra money, you get the urge to spend it. You get a pay raise, so you go and finance a new car! You get a bonus and you go on that exotic vacation! If you get an extra $5 in your pocket….you always find something you “want” […]

Money and Values

Did you ever stop to think about where you get your ideas of what money means to you? What money is to you? And what does it do for you? We all have a complex relationship when it comes to money. How you acquire, spend and manage money is largely due to two factors: the […]

Financial Self Control

All individuals have habits! A habit is defined as a recurrent, often subconscious pattern of behavior that’s obtained through frequent repetition. To put it simply, it’s repeatedly performing the very same things over and over without thinking about it, like nail biting or snacking on food. Over spending our money can also fall into that […]

Stick To A Budget

Many of us have either created or attempted to create an effective budget at some point. For those of us who have, budgeting or “good money management” is probably one of the most difficult things we face in dealing with our finances. What we need to realize is that successful budgeting is key to good […]