Do You Know This Difference?

The difference between assets and liabilities is simply put in this way, an asset is something which generates an income or said differently, puts money in our pocket and a liability is something that is an expense or takes money from our pocket. In order for us to build wealth, we need to focus and […]

Stop Accumulating Debt!

Reducing and eliminating debt is no easy task, but it’s essential to your financial and even emotional and physical and health. There is nothing better than seeing debt get removed from your balance sheet. No more worrying about that debt, no more bills or calls from lenders and creditors…it’ll just be gone! Just remember, once […]

How to Eliminate Your Debt

Consumer debt is a killer when it comes to savings goals and overall financial well being! Whether we’re saving for emergency funds or investing funds or whatever fund we’re trying to set goals for, consumer debt will hold us down and must be greatly reduced if not completely eliminated in order to achieve financial freedom. […]