This Can Make All the Difference

Our attitude is the most vital factor in determining our success, our relationships, our enjoyment of virtually everything about our life…including, (Yup! You guessed it) even our finances. The great news is that we get to select our very own attitude. Regardless of our current conditions, situations or our previous failures, we can choose to […]

Appreciating What You Have

It’s sometimes hard not to compare what you have or don’t have with what you see around you. Life has a way of bombarding you with elaborate lifestyles and luxuries of the rich and famous and even not so famous people. From celebrities and professional athletes to founders and CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies to […]

Keep Moving Forward

Giving up is one of the biggest reasons people don’t find success in the things they’re striving for. Fortunately, it’s a mindset that can be developed. One of the main ingredients to developing the “don’t give up” mindset is setting smaller, manageable, attainable goals. What you’ll find by achieving the small goals is that each […]

Focus on Improving

Any type of success requires constant improvement and there’s no better way to achieve that than to work on your strengths. Before you can take advantage of your strengths you need to find out what they are. There are various tools and methods to help you determine what your strengths are, from surveys to self […]

Conquer the Fear of Failing

Why is it whenever you hear the F word…okay not that F word, another one…Failure, you always relate it to negative thoughts or ideas? Why is failure perceived to be bad? Besides the obvious fact that failing doesn’t feel particularly good, you also tend to have a fear of failure. It’s often that fear, because […]

A Form of Procrastination

Over thinking, also known as paralysis of analysis is a detriment to accomplishing your goals and ultimately achieving success in anything you do. The thing to realize is paralysis of analysis is also a form of procrastination. Sometimes it’s the thought of taking on a task that you know will require prolonged effort or a […]