How to Eliminate Your Debt

Consumer debt is a killer when it comes to savings goals and overall financial well being! Whether we’re saving for emergency funds or investing funds or whatever fund we’re trying to set goals for, consumer debt will hold us down and must be greatly reduced if not completely eliminated in order to achieve financial freedom. […]

How Do You Treat Your Money?

To set yourself up for future financial stability, financial well-being requires a healthy relationship with your money. If you treat your money right, your money will treat you right. Just like in a personal relationship, if you nurture, value and appreciate the other person, they will be there for you when you need them and […]

The First Building Block

The thought of setting goals can sometimes be challenging, but it’s necessary if you’re going to achieve financial success. Envisioning what you want your future to look like is the easiest place to start. By beginning with the end in mind, it gives you your direction. That sense of direction is what will keep you […]

You Have the Power to Choose

Your attitude about any given situation is entirely your choice. That doesn’t mean you can control every situation, but what it does mean is that you can control how you react to it. How you choose your attitude is largely based on habits. Habits that you form by consistently feeding your mind, consciously or sub-consciously, […]

The Power of Consistency

Consistency plays such a huge role when it comes to achieving any type of success. So I’m sure you can imagine that consistency is a key factor in the area of your finances too. Your money habits are formed based on how you constantly handle your money, from saving to spending. As simple as that […]

Recognize Your Emotional State

When it comes to success and happiness in life, emotional intelligence makes it possible to reach your career and personal goals, succeed in work, and build relationships. People who are emotionally intelligent are able to recognize the emotional state of others as well as their own state to create a connection and form relationships. For […]