Spending Habits

One of the biggest financial traps you can easily find yourself in is the trap of keeping up with the Jones’. By trying to keep up with the perceived lifestyle of others, you’ll undoubtedly end up overspending. Living below your means is the basis for financial freedom. Once you learn to live below your means, […]

New Found Money

When you find yourself under a mountain of debt, eliminating or even reducing it is no easy task, but it is possible! Not only is it possible, but it’s essential to your financial and even emotional and physical health. The burden of debt can take its toll in so many ways. That’s why it’s so […]

Eliminate Debt

As a consumer, you have to spend your money on the things that you need, right? And (let’s face it) you enjoy spending money on the things that you want. While there’s nothing wrong with that, the problem comes when you put yourself in debt over satisfying your wants or even worse, justifying your wants […]

Rainy Days

Whether or not you’ve ever given it much thought, the phrase paying yourself first is probably something you’ve heard at some point. The principle of paying yourself first means exactly what it implies…which is to pay yourself first, and your emergency fund is the first place to start. Having an emergency fund is the foundation […]

Money and Values

Did you ever stop to think about where you get your ideas of what money means to you? What money is to you? And what does it do for you? We all have a complex relationship when it comes to money. How you acquire, spend and manage money is largely due to two factors: the […]

Feed Your Mind

The thoughts and ideas we have going through our minds every day, actually every second of every day is what causes us to make the decisions that we make and the actions that we take in all aspects of our lives. Those thoughts and ideas we have are very much influenced by the things we […]

Financial Self Control

All individuals have habits! A habit is defined as a recurrent, often subconscious pattern of behavior that’s obtained through frequent repetition. To put it simply, it’s repeatedly performing the very same things over and over without thinking about it, like nail biting or snacking on food. Over spending our money can also fall into that […]

Saving to Give

Aside from saving to pay ourselves first and saving to invest, there is also another key area of savings which is saving to give! Saving to give can be a difficult concept to grasp for many of us who are struggling just to keep our heads above water…and understandably so. In order to give financially, […]

Improve Your Credit Score

It may be harder than ever before to get approved for a loan today but increasing your credit rating will give you the best chance. There are various ways that you could improve your credit score and of course among the best is to always pay your debts on time. By paying off credit cards […]

Setting Financial Goals

Goal setting is tough enough without adding the word finance into the mix. Many of us are often hesitant to tackle the job of setting financial goals, especially when it comes to the long-term goals that set us up for our financial future. It’s not fun, it’s not sexy…heck! It’s actually pretty boring, right?! Even […]