How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

“Fear of failure killed more dreams than anything else. Don’t allow fear to have the victory. Start dreaming today and put feet to that which you carry in your heart.” ― Mandi Hart Why is it whenever you hear the “F” word…okay not that “F” word, another one…Failure, you always relate it to negative thoughts […]

Be Consistent

The Need to Be Consistent

“Small disciplines repeated with consistency everyday lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.” – John C. Maxwell If you want to have success in reaching your goals, whatever those goals are, you need to be consistent. Being consistent in the things you do has many great advantages and people who consciously practice being consistent, […]

The Real Truth About Passive Income

“You become financially free when your passive income exceeds your expenses.” –  T. Harv Eker I’m sure you’ve heard the term passive income before. And you might have even asked yourself, what is passive income exactly? Well…passive income is simply money that is made passively! And what does that mean?! Basically, it means that it’s […]

Should You Save to Invest

“Investing puts money to work. The only reason to save money is to invest it.” – Grant Cardone When you set up your budget, you find ways and areas to reduce your expenses. You get your spending under control, you live below your means, you find ways to increase your income, you get your debt […]

The Truth About Overspending

“Stop buying things you don’t need to impress people you don’t even like.” – Suze Orman One of the biggest financial traps you can easily find yourself in is the trap of keeping up with the Jones’. By trying to keep up with the perceived lifestyle of others, you’ll undoubtedly end up overspending. Living below […]