The Power of Budgeting

When you hear the word budget, it might send shivers down your spine. For whatever reason, that seems to be the reaction most people associate with it, which is unfortunate because having a budget has the opposite affect of what most people think. To create and stick to a budget is actually empowering, because it […]

Creating an Effective Budget

To help create a spending budget that’s not just sensible, but also effective, you need to start by calculating your income. Once you’ve calculated your income, then you can list your expenses by first making a list of your fixed expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, automobile payments, insurance premiums, etc. After that, you […]

The Road to Financial Success

Getting on the right path financially usually starts with setting yourself up on a budget. Since budgeting is known to be essential for your financial health, many people have either created or attempted to create an effective budget at some point. For those of you who have, budgeting or good money management may be one […]

When it Comes to the Long Term

As if setting goals isn’t already tough enough, the thought of setting financial goals doesn’t even come into the picture. A lot of people are often hesitant to tackle the job of setting financial goals, especially when it comes to the long term goals that set you up for your financial future. It’s not fun, it’s […]

Money and Budgeting

One of the most basic, fundamental things you can do to improve your financial situation is to conserve money. By consistently following some money saving tips you’ll start to see a considerable increase in the amount of cash you save. That savings can be used toward paying down debt, saving for emergency funds, saving for […]

The Credit Card

When the amount of your bills is greater than your income, it’s safe to say…you’re in trouble! The very simple concept of having more money going out than you have money coming in doesn’t take much to figure out. It’s when you find yourself in situations like this that you’ll only keep adding to your […]

Safety Net

Having some extra money set aside for those unexpected expenses is the only way to get out of debt, stay out of debt and above all, build wealth. Too many people today don’t even have a savings account let alone an emergency fund account. Saving should be one of the first things you do with […]

Money Can’t Buy Happiness

There is a largely held belief by many people that money can’t buy happiness and although there is some truth to that belief, the one thing that is for certain is that money can make life more comfortable. By making our lives more comfortable and enjoyable we will naturally find moments of happiness in how […]

Paralysis of Analysis

Paralysis of Analysis – Evaluation paralysis is where you can’t take any actions because of over thinking the details or over preparation and it’s one of the most notorious actions killer we could ever possibly have. Planning is always helpful when we’re starting a brand-new project, but we shouldn’t let it get to the point […]