What is Your Return on You?

When we think about investing in assets and getting a return on those assets, I believe few of us think of ourselves in that way. I’m not referring to investing in yourself, which is meant by investing in the various ways of improving ourselves mentally, physically or otherwise, that’s a subject for another day. What […]

Where is Your Focus on Money

Having a money focused mindset isn’t about being greedy. Any successful investor will tell you fear, and greed are the two biggest enemies when it comes to money. Having a money focused mindset is just that, focusing on our money! Aside from burying our heads in the sand and ignoring our money, we can also […]

How Do You Treat Your Money?

To set yourself up for future financial stability, financial well-being requires a healthy relationship with your money. If you treat your money right, your money will treat you right. Just like in a personal relationship, if you nurture, value and appreciate the other person, they will be there for you when you need them and […]

Be Curious

Comparing yourself to the success of others can trigger feelings of jealousy. Being self-aware can help you to uncover the true reasons why you feel that way. As you become more self-aware and conquer the thoughts that cause you to be envious, you can then look at those who you see as being highly successful […]

Create What You Want

When you think about the idea of wanting to achieve financial success, one of the first questions you probably ask yourself is, “how are you going to get there?” And where is “there” exactly? If you’re not asking yourself those two questions, then you really need to. And sometimes the thought of asking those questions […]

The Ability to Keep Trying

Success is on the other side of failure! Don’t give up just because it doesn’t come easily. The ability to keep trying when things seem impossible, to push past your comfort zone, to not give up when it gets difficult, almost always leads to success. The great thing about the idea of not giving up […]

Creating the Life You Want

When was the last time you wanted something to turn out a certain way, so you took specific steps to increase the probability of it happening the way you pictured it in your mind? Welcome to the world of planning! Planning is something that varies with people. Some people have to plan everything out before […]